Have you ever wondered what the throne of God looks like? Do you imagine a great big chair all decorated with gold and jewels? In Revelations, we get a good description of the throne of God.
2At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it.
The central object of heaven is the throne of God, referred to eight times in 4:1-6 and eighteen times altogether in chapters 4-5. It seems to be a fixed point, with everything else in heaven located in relationship to it. The remainder of chapter 4 conveys to us seven distinct characteristics of the throne of God.
- The Triune God
- Verse 2-3 indicate all three members of the triune God.
- Christ in His priestly role.
- The Twenty-Four elders
- 24 thrones around God’s throne
- Most believe the 24 are human brought up in the rapture to represent the total priesthood.
- Some believe them to be the 12 patriarchs of the Old Testiment and the 12 apostles
- The Signs of Judgment
- lightning
- rumblings
- peals of thunder
- The Seven Spirits of God
- the Spirit of the Lord
- the Spirit of wisdom
- the Spirit of understanding
- the Spirit of counsel
- the Spirit of power
- the Spirit of knowledge
- the Spirit of the fear of the Lord
- The Sea of Glass
- Two suggestions on what it represents.
- the Church at rest
- the Word of God
- Two suggestions on what it represents.
- The Four Living Creatures
- Seraphim (Isa. 6:1-3)
- Six wings and cry, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty”
- Four Forms
- A lion – leader of the kingdom of wild animals.
- A calf – leader of domestic animals.
- A man – leader of the angelic hosts responsible for the human race
- A flying eagle – leader of the kingdom of the fowls of the air.
- The Heavenly Worship of Christ
- The Lord Jesus Christ is the object of worship in heaven
- Celestial beings sing songs of glory and honor to God because He is the Creator of all things.
What a wonderful picture. And to think, when we are taken up to be with Jesus, we will see it all, live and in living color.
That just blows my mind!