Tomorrow is Election Day so make sure you go out and VOTE! I don’t care who you vote for – just go and VOTE. You’ve heard it before but if you don’t vote – you don’t have a right to complain. So VOTE!
Regardless of who wins this election, on November 5th, I will still be praying for our leadership. Isn’t that what all Christians should do? Pastor Jeff Leake has a great response when he is asked, Are you going to speak on the election? You can read the complete post at his site but here is a summary of his points:
- My hope for the future of the USA does not rest in this election.
- My primary concern is with the Kingdom of God and not with the United States of America.
- I believe that a believer should consider moral values, character, and vision when they make their decision to vote.
- My responsibility is to pray for and even bless governmental leaders, even when I disagree with their policies.
- I think at times we can over-estimate the election season.
- My passion is to represent Jesus well in the world. Partisan attitudes often divide.
- I want to protect the unity of the church (not just APC but believers all throughout this nation).
- I like to consider what Jesus did regarding politics when he walked the earth.
I really like one of his last statements, “I think it is safe to say that neither Obama nor McCain is the hope of the world. That is Jesus. It is also safe to say that neither candidate will be as much a threat as Nero, Herod, or Mao. If the Kingdom can expand under their leadership, I am confident God can continue to work no matter who is elected in 2008.”
Another Pastor that I read frequently is Mark Batterson. He pastors National Community Church in Washington D.C. His church is unique in that the livelihood of a lot of his congregation is dependent on the election. His church regularly goes through a change with each election cycle. He has a sermon series called the Elephant in the Church where he discusses issues that everyone knows are there but don’t want to talk about in church. This week is the Political Elephant. I urge all of you to listen to or watch his message. It is a great perspective.
So – I will be voting. I will be voting my conscience. I will be voting based on character, values and vision. When the next president is sworn in, I will commit to pray for his leadership regardless of who wins the election. My hope is in Christ – not the president. Besides, like I have said in other posts, I’ve read the book. I know who wins!
I do agree and your statement about the world surviving Nero, Herod, and Mao is soo true and the fact is that the church seems to flourish under persecution and it becomes corrupt in good times. My prayer combines with yours that HIS will be done!!!